# 1 School ERP System

TechnoFirst ERP is Best End to End Solution for Schools,Colleges,Classes

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We are ready to help you with dedicated Account Manager

Online/Offline Implementation

Application works on Cloud as well as your own Intranet Network to speed up your work.

Easy to Use

Our Application is So Simple to use where you won't required Training.

Secured and
Fast Cloud Server

Application is deployed on Dedicated secure cloud server with 99.9 % Uptime Guarantee

Create your own institute Mobile Apps within 1 Day.

  • Our Aim is Each and Every Educational institute should have own brand Apps for Staff,Students and Parents
  • Our Apps is so simple and beautiful that every one will love it.
  • Single Apps For Teachers,Students and Parents
  • It is end to end solution, starts from Attendance,Timetable,Notification,Exam,Result till Fees

Easy to Use with Tons of Awesome Features

TechnoFirst learning is a platform which helps in managing the day to day academic and administrative activities from a single platform. TechnoFirst provides user-friendly dashboards with login access for teachers, non-teaching staff, students, parents and management of your institute. The various modules available in school ERP software automate daily operations of your institute such as from student's admission to generating transfer certificates to digitizing the online learning experience all can be managed effortlessly.

  • Quick Access
  • Easy to Manage
  • Simple and Upto Point

About us..

TechnoFirst Solutions is a full service mobile and web Development Company headquartered in Nashik, Maharashtra. Since inception, TechnoFirst Solutions has helped clients from all over India through their expertise by hosting, maintaining, designing and programming cutting-edge websites/Software and mobile applications development.

Following Products and services we provide

  • Native Mobile Apps development (Android/iOS)
  • Mobile Websites
  • Web Hosting
  • Domain Registration
  • Customized Application Development
  • Digital Marketing

TechnoFirst Learning Core Modules

We are 100 % sure that you will enjoy our Application and cover all issues which you are facing right now.

Front Office Management

It covers all your problems facing by your admin Team. Application takes care all Your Enquiries, Visitor Book,Phone Call Log,Postal and Complain Box.

Class Management

Application covers Class Management start from Assigning students, Attendance,Examination ,Result Preparation.

Fee Management & Accounting

Fees collection could sometimes be a difficult task. It may require additional human resources to just remember and follow up. System Also takes care of Accounting System with Institutes complete Balance Sheet

Student /Parent Communication

For Student progress,Parent communication is very important.It creates bridge between School and Parents. Our system sends notification from Smart phone users and SMS for normal users.

Smart Attendance System

Automated Attendance System is very important for School and Parent to get exact update of their ward. Moment student enters school premises,system will mark attendance. Same time Staff Attendance is also important for staff salary and Performance calculation.

Teacher, Parent Mobile Apps

Their will be a single,Simple Mobile Apps for Teacher and Parents to get complete progress of student.It has Homework,Attendance,Fee,Examination,Report card so on..

Library Management

Create book Inventory with Unique QR Code for each book, which will help for Issuing and returning books from Student and Staff. Separate dashboard for Library with Books statstics.

Hostel Management

This module will definately usefull for Residential school.It takes care from Room,Bed Allocation,Mess Management,Hostel Attendance.

Exam & Results

Teachers can create exam paper as per their schedule and format like Online/Offline,Objective,Subjective. Student can give Online Exam from mobile Apps. Result Prepration is also tough task for Teachers.system calculate result and progress reports.

HR & Salary Management

Salary Calculation is tough task for HR Team. It Automate Salary Calculation as per Present day.It covers all Salary Parameters like HRA,DA,TAE,PF,Gratuity etc. System also prepares payslips,Form16,Provisional invements for tax benefits.

Academic Calendar Management

Academic calendar is a schedule of all of the events that occur in an academic year. These events may include examination dates,class time table,vacations.....

Mess Management

There will be separate Mess Management for Residential School with Meal Preparation Plan,Westage Management,Upcoming Event Festival Update. Student/Parents can rate food Quality.

Website CMS System

As per goverment Norms,School should have dedicated website and should update website content frquently. School staff Can Update Website content from CMS system like Photo galary , Notice,Result.

Transport Management

TechnoFirst Learning Application is also cover Transport Management like Bus data, Bus Route,Pickup-Drop location Rates, Student Bus Fee, Driver and Helper Management

Upcoming Events & To DO list

System can maintain Upcoming Events, National Holidays and Complete academic Plan. Staff Can create To Do list which will help him/her for day to day work. It will remind staff till work close.

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A-55, Business Index,
Makhmalabad Road, Hanuman Wadi,
Nashik, Maharashtra 422003

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